Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Weekly Goals - yes, I know it's Tuesday!

I'm the kind of gal that likes to makes lists. I like lists of books, lists of recipes I want to try, grocery lists, freezer inventory lists, lists of spiritual goals, etc. etc. etc! I came across this post over at Money Saving Mom and decided to try out setting weekly goals myself! In the past, I've tried to pick just one thing to do each day- usually this is a dreaded task, like paperwork or ironing my hubby's work pants- and with some success, I've been able to accomplish it. It might be a snowball effect "thing" where when you meet one goal you want to keep at it and meet more. Who knows? 

So here are my goal for the week- albeit they are a day "late"-

  1. Iron Hubby's work pants- I think I dread this so much because I don't have an ironing board and often have a hard time finding a flat, clean surface I can iron them on. I did see this pin on Pinterest, so I might give that a try or just keep my eye out for a used ironing board via craigslist or my local thrift store.  
  2. Wipe down drawers for desk project with vinegar- I read today over at Young House Love about how they wiped down a thrift store piece of furniture with vinegar to get rid of the smell. Going to have to give it a try. More info about the desk project later. 
  3. Drop off substitute teaching application- There is really no excuse why this isn't done yet. I just hate filling out paperwork, so that's my excuse! 
  4. Attempt to organize the Porch area- We have a enclosed porch/room at our half-double, which is a nice bonus space, but it doesn't have heat or A/C. Since it has been so cold, it has kind of become the catch-all for random stuff that I'm not sure what to do with- like the vacuum cleaner, and a table we currently aren't using but hope to refinish and use, and left-overs from our garage sale this summer that we decided not to donate, and kids toys/accessories that were given to me from an old nanny family, and other random stuff. 
  5. Move toward organizing my office- though I'd hardly call it an office these days. After I finished my student teaching, everything sort of just got dumped in there. It's really a disaster area. I keep the door closed because I don't like to see how messy it is. 
Well, that's it. Five simple goals for the week. I'll let you know how I do. 

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