Wednesday, January 2, 2013

My 2013 Book List

Recently, I've read a couple of blogs with book lists and decided to make my own book list for 2013. I made a goal of reading 12 books this year, but then figured I'd have more success if I made a list of the actual books I want to read. Some of them are "in progress," as in, I've already started them and just want to make sure to finish them. 

Here's the list: 

And because its 2013, I decided to make it a list of 13, instead of 12.  I think it will take me all year to get through this list because most of the books seem to be "heavy" books. "Heavy" books are ones I like to take time to process and journal about while I am reading. These books don't really lend themselves to reading multiple chapters at a time. The exception to this might be the one by Neta Jackson. I tend to read her books in just a couple of days. 


  1. I'm loving Neta Jackson's books as well. I am working through the House of Hope series at the moment, and am loving it! Come to the Table is on my list this year, as well!

    1. Thanks for the comment Whitney! I started with the Yada Yada Prayer group series and was hooked after that. I love that all her books have characters that are inter-related. Makes for some good, quick, and inspring reading!
